Labels:text | black and white | font | white OCR: INSTRUCTIONS FOR- BLEACH BOTTLE FLOSS HOLDER. Materials: Bleach, vinegar, or other thick plastic bottles [ [milk bottle's will not-work]~Gal Sc ze Equipment: Scissors Knife Permanent marker Paper punch Ruter " .- Method: Remove top and bottom from bottle [bottom at the turn and top, - 1 inch above the start of the curve Cut-ring vertically to form a-fairly flat piece. Mark approx. 13x+nes, vertically, equidistant across the piece .- [these will make sure you have the same number of holders, top and bottom."} Leaving the middle 4 inches solid, cut-marks at top and- bottom. Cut blunt arrow heads. with. shallow valleys-between them, at each place you cut in. With paper punch, punch two holes in the end of the fioss holder. Use: Take floss skein, pull bands toward the middle. Insert .... arrow ...